Sunday 21 October 2012


Miss haribo here,

In the first of an annual series I'm taking over the blog and writing about the economics nobel prize winners.

However, I don't intend to add to the number of articles explaining their work on the theory of stable allocations and the practice of market design. That is far better done by peple elsewhere.  (e.g. )

Al Roth is also very well known for work on repugnance and other things which constrain markets. One of the regularities is that somethings become repugnant when money is offered or it certainly changes the nature of the transaction, for example paying for the food when someone has invited you to dinner or paying for sex. So my suggestion for this column, especially in these cash-strapped times, is to stop focussing on the things that you can't afford but to take this week celebrate the things you have that money can't buy.

Miss Haribo

Ps Probably the most famous example of Al Roth's work is on kidney exchanges. The shortage of donor organs is a real problem, yet only 30% of people are on the register.  I'm (probably) never going to acheive immortaility with my work but I can help someone live a better life after I die with only two minutes of effort.

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