Thursday 16 September 2010

Thrive with a little help from your friends

Nowadays there seems to be a research study on pretty much every health related topic! Which is great news for the advancement of health (and anyone working in research!) and also great news for me as it provides plenty of blog inspiration.

The study that's inspired todays blog, has found that people who have no social life are fifty per cent more likely to die early than those who are well connected, and that those who socialise regularly with family and friends live an average of 3.7 yeas longer than those who lead lonely lives.

According to the research people with little social support have a mortality rate as high as alcoholics, while the impact of making friends is comparable to the effect of giving up smoking, the research showed.

Not that having lots of friends should be a license to start smoking and drinking but it's comforting to know that my busy social schedule makes me more likely to live longer!

It is also interesting to think about why an active social life keeps you healthier. I think a key effect is on mental health - having friends and feeling supported will help reduce stress levels and feelings of depression and there is a huge volume of research on the damaging effects of stress and negative thought patterns on your health.

Infact the professor who led the study said: "Friends and supportive people can make life easier on a basic, every day level. They can lend you money, offer lifts or provide baby sitting.
"They can also encourage you to have better health practices, see a doctor, exercise more. They may also help you indirectly by making you feel you have something to live for."

I'd add to this that in my opinion not all friends are created equal. If you find you're always the one lending money, baby-sitting or helping people out or regularly end up feeling drained and depressed after listening to a friend complain about their lot for over an hour then maybe it's time for a friends upgrade ... surrounding yourself with like-minded positive people is definitely going to be better for your health.

Wishing you all a healthy, sociable weekend!

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