Tuesday 19 October 2010

Liquid lunch

During an evening of cocktails and gossip I ordered a non-alcoholic cocktail which was delicious, but super sweet and sugar laden. This well earned break followed a day at a nutrition conference where the lecturer said that in America soft drinks contribute more calories to the average american diet than any other food type.

This is pretty scary ... but it's easy to drink your way to obesity and ill health without going anywhere near an alcoholic drink.

However, you should aim to eat a high percentage of your caloric intake rather than drinking them as the body is designed to digest solid food and so drinking most of your calories can disrupt your appetite cues and affect your digestion.

A cocktail should therefore be an occasional treat not an everyday drink and the same goes for fizzy drinks, squashes and fruit juices. The French certainly drink plenty of wine and coffee but their main drink is water, served up with every meal. Scarily there are plenty of English people who never drink any plain pure water!

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